The Rogue
La'Kamin was born to a prominent family. Her uncle is one of the Apostles of Jova. Due to this she has been given extraordinary leniency, her rebelliousness has been tolerated for many years. It all started with petty theft, she stole extra coin from her parents to buy sweets. She was also a kind girl, she hated to see others struggling to get by comfortably. So eventually her crimes escalated to stealing coin enough for a family or even forging distrubustion logs so supplies would go to less fortunate areas. She was caught many times, her family paid the fine. Whatever she did was undone, and she watched as that family had to return to their meager survival. The final instance was a substantial amount brought to an underfunded orphanage. The children where so happy at the delivery brought by the disguised La'Kamin. She had covered her tracks so well, but a patrolling guard recognized her and moved in to investigate. All she could think about is the children suffering once they took the supplies back and she panicked. Before the guard was even able to reacted she drew her knife and slit his throat. Not wanting to involve the orphanage, for fear of the supplies being discovered, she moved the body a couple blocks over and waited until another patrol found her. Her family could not protect her from the first murder in the city in over 100 years. So she was placed in holding, knowing she would never see freedom again.
Character build is snipe(Note, I do house rule that flank is a debuff, not a bonus. So the rogue will get their sneak attack if the target is flanked in melee.)