Hi, my name is Josh. I have been a GM since 2006. Most of my RP experience is running my own games, mostly due to lack of groups to join. This campaign is one I came up with back in 2012, a couple years after I finally built my own world. It is a spin off of that world and I was never able to get a group together to run it. In 2015 I got the idea to run a game based on it at Gencon. In my haste I ran the groups through the Final Chapter. It did not go great, but I still had fun and decided I should start from the beginning. And since Gencon 2016, I have introduced a new chapter every year, 2019 will be Chapter 4. There will be 10 total I know that and I do know how it ends, its the middle bit I need to work on, haha.
At the moment I only have plans to run games at Gencon. I live in the Twin Cities. If you know of close conventions that host Roleplaying games, I would be happy to consider them. I look forward to meeting more people at my games.